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What Is CBD (Cannabidiol) And What Does It Do?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is truly one of the most remarkable compounds in the natural world.

January 14, 2018

Adam Drury

Cannabis plants are chemical powerhouses that produce more than 400 different compounds. Not all of those compounds are unique to weed, of course, and appear in many other species of plants. Thats why weed can smell like pine trees or taste like fresh lemons. But of those 400 compounds, more than 60 of them are totally specific to the plant genus Cannabis. Scientists call these special compounds cannabinoids. However, not all cannabinoids are created equal. One of them, cannabidiol, or CBD, holds the key to the wide variety of medicinal and therapeutic effects marijuana offers.

But what exactly is cannabidiol (CBD) and more importantly, what does it do? Those questions and more are at the heart of this comprehensive guide to one of the most fascinating and important compounds of the cannabis plant.

The more we learn about CBD, the more it seems poised to revolutionize medicine as we know it. Read on to find out why cannabidiol is so important and why you should care about it, especially if you use cannabis.......