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How Marijuana Can Help With Postpartum Depression

One mother is fighting against the stereotype.

<a class="author url fn" href="" title="Posts by Brendan Bures">Brendan Bures</a>

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<time class="entry__date" datetime="2018-03-06T12:00:31+00:00">Mar 06, 2018</time>

For most new parents, the birth of a child causes extended celebration throughout their lives. They cant believe they could be so lucky to welcome this new life into the world. But that isnt the case for everyone. Some go through the baby blues, but for other it doesnt stop there. Support groups say one out of seven women will experience postpartum depression.

Most deal with the depressions through prescribed medication like SSRIs and antidepressants. But some women are turning to cannabis as a way to cope with their depression. One such mother is Celia Behar, who has become a de facto spokeswomen for postpartum depression and cannabis usage......